Wednesday, November 2, 2016

ISWG Wednesday!

My post for ISWG Wednesday. Join us !

I must confess! Since my last post I've done absolutely zero writing! My life has been insane and I can't keep up with anything :(

A window into my life is working close to 30 hours a week, driving sometimes 100 miles a day to commute to work and appointments. I take my daughter into therapy twice a week, plus now therapeutic horseback riding lessons, and this week an additional doctor appointment on top of that. We started homeschooling our youngest child, so I have to check on things related to that (thankfully she is very independent). Then add the usual household things like grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry, cooking, and caring for my mini-zoo of 3 dogs and 2 cats.

Every time I think things will settle down, they don't, but every once in a while I get the urge to write and then go at it for days on end. Plus the story I'm writing still has no ending so I have no urgency to finish immediately. But I know this is true for others out there too- we all truly live crazy lives in this rat race.

I've also been posting quotes from a book by Nat'l Geo called Daily Peace, and the theme for November is kindness. The quote for today is,

"It is the heart always that sees, before the head can see." - Thomas Carlyle

I love the theme for this month, but I fear kindness is a dying quality. Our environment and social climate has nothing to do with the greater good of all, but is driven by greed and selfishness. I see it every day in big and small ways, but it is not all gloom and doom, because I believe God will step in someday and save us from ourselves. I highly recommend the documentary Before the Flood with Leonardo Di Caprio, if you want to know what I'm talking about.


  1. It is so hard to keep up writing and work and be a mom and all the other things we have to do to keep a roof over our head. I like that you are posting quotes, it's keeping you focused and inspired.

    1. Thanks- that's for sure. The quotes help me stay positive, or least try to.

  2. Life has a way of piling up. I hope you find a way get through that commute, those long hours, and all the other things that prevent having a moment or two for yourself and your writing.

    1. Some days are just a blur, but here and there I try. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. Just treasure those moments when you can write and focus on your family the rest of the time.
    Ultimately, God will step in. And He wins. So I'm all right with that.

    1. I agree, the human race just can't seem to get it together.

  4. Sometimes writing has to be put on hold! You might benefit from the 100/100 challenge. You have to write 100 words a day for 100 days without breaking the chain. If you break it, you have to start back at Day 1. You'd be surprised how quickly 100 words goes on paper...and it keeps your mind in your story.

    1. That is a great idea! Just not sure where the challenge is being held? Could do it on my own though.

  5. I just have to trust God with all the crazy in the world, too.
    It's okay to take a break from writing, especially when you are so focused on caring for your family! When you can, just start with five minutes. I like Stephanie's idea, too - it's awesome!

  6. Everywhere you look, the human race is going crazy. It's so sad. The media is filled with man's greed for money and power.

    But there's a Masterplan. God in His infinite wisdom, knows what He's doing.
    Everything in His time...

  7. Young family stage... Yeah. It's insanity, but it only happens once and lasts just a few short years. There will definitely be time for writing later. Don't let it stress you.

    1. Well, I have a child who is ill, so I don't know that things will ever get much better for me, but I have a mission and I need to keep going. I'll just keep plugging along.
