Sunday, July 22, 2012

Using a Pen Name

You may have noticed that I've changed the name on my blog to Rose Munevar from Honey. Don't laugh, but Honey was actually my dog's name.
Yeah, that one!

Why did I use a fake name! A lot of reasons, some silly ones I refuse to confess to. Now that I'm getting deeper into the writing world, I feel the need to be taken a little more seriously, and the new name is close to my real one. I still don't want to be found completely, because the truth is, I live a double life. My secret is that I am a writer. There, I said it. I am a writer.

Only five people in my real life know. My husband, two kids, and my sister.

Why I feel the need to hide it has to do with the naysayers in my life. Writing is a hard enough industry without people in my ear saying "You can't do that". I have myself in my ear already saying that.

There are many reasons writers use pen names. Check out this link.

I was surprised to learn Mark Twain was a pen name! Probably everybody knew that, but me of course.

What about you? Pen name or real?


  1. For a moment, you had me confused! Funny you were using your dog's name.

  2. Real name.

    I thought it was cool how Samuel show a river boat term as his pen name. Oh, that I could be so widely read as he.

    1. It was cool right! I'm with you on the being widely read dream.

  3. Well, hi Rose (or something sorta closes to that). I feel like I'm meeting a new writer friend all over again. :-) I considered using a pen name because my real name doesn't stand out at all, but then I decided I just wanted to be called and known as who I'd always been.

    And yes, YOU ARE A WRITER!

    1. Nice to meet you- again! I think your name seems very writerly :) and thanks for the affirmation!

  4. Real name. I considered a pen name because my name is so common but in reality I didn't think I could remember which name to go by or sign if I was using a pen name (I can dream of book signings before I have a book) I did use my initials instead of my first name just to make it stand out a little and also because there was a less that showed up on Google using that. Honestly, I think you should do what you're comfortable with. There are lots of valid reasons for using a pen name So whatever works best for you!

    1. I do like the initials with your name, it does seem to make it stand out. You apparently put a lot more thought into it than I did!

  5. Rose! Yaaaaaay! You've embraced the inner writer and are announcing it to the world! ;) I've always wondered if Honey was your real name or not! Funny!

    I use my real name... it's an odd name, but it's real! LOL ;)

  6. Your real name is very cool! I'd definitely stick with it.

  7. I came "out" when I started blogging, because I didn't know what to use as a url, so I picked my name. Before that, I'd used fake names on several writing forums.

    It's been both relieving and anxiety-producing, being out there with your name. Ultimately, I think it's a good thing if one is serious about a writing career. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and nice to meet you!

    1. Thanks for your comment, and for joining my blog!

  8. It's okay...Rose. :)

    I don't use a pen name, but I am finally "coming out of the closet," so to speak, as a writer. I won the WriteOnCon contest last year and was too shy to have my picture or website connected to my profile page. Afraid of rejection, perhaps? I don't know...

    Maya Angelou is a pen name for Marguerite Ann Johnson, btw.

    1. Really! You've been writing successfully for far longer than I have, I would have never guessed that you were afraid of the publicity. But it's a brutal world out there, for sure.

  9. Real name. There's nothing wrong with using a fake name, don't worry about it.

  10. I used a very "clever" pen name. I took the initial of my first name (Cheryl) and used my middle name (Lee) and my real last name. It's been a joke for everyone who knows me, but I did it because I was trying a totally different kind of writing and somehow changing my name was freeing. Of course, I should have chosen something like Francine Shultz or something to really throw my friends off. :-)

    1. Clever indeed. Good idea! I can't use my initials because it's JR, which would make everyone of a certain age to think of Dynasty :)

  11. You have no idea how much your sentiments mirror my own on the subject. I think writing under a pen name has liberated my writing to a certain extent. But now and again I have the urge to create a new pen name...(: And I agree with S.P. Bowers, do what makes you feel comfortable! (:

    1. I know what you mean. I hope I choose the right name because I can't keep changing it. Time will tell!
